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September 7, 2011

Eagles Quarterback Michael Vick Returns to His Day Job as WPHI 107.9 Now Stunts with "The Rickey Smiley Takeover"

Now it's "Smiley 107-9"

Radio One has pulled off one of the better stunts in urban radio to get listeners interested in the new station at 107.9 FM in Philadelphia.

"The Mike Vick Radio" stunt came on the heels of the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback signing a $100 million contract last week, just ahead of the start of the NFL regular season.

Usually stations will run the "commercial free 10,000 joints in a row" stunt on Hip Hop stations, but not this time. (No one can afford to run commercial free in this economy, can they?) So if this stunt proves to be successful, you can be sure a stunt featuring a high profile local celebrity will be duplicated in the future in other markets.

From the almost defunct BeatofPhilly.com website -"So Michael Vick has decided to get back to what he loves most and that’s leading our Philadelphia Eagles to a championship. Rickey Smiley has now taken over 107.9FM. He wants you to call, text, and tweet us what you think we should do with the station! Let Rickey and 107.9 know what you think should be next for 107.9FM"

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