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October 24, 2008

Did Pulse 87 use Star and Buc Wild?

In the end, you might say they did. How else do you get listeners to tune into a TV station on the radio at 87.7, that many car radios don't even carry. Were they successful? You could say yes they were, now that a recent customized Arbitron PPM research report showed that Pulse 87 (WNYZ) had 540,000 radio listeners in the New York metro area. They have found a unique audience of Dance music fans, who are now loyal to the station. Star and Buc Wild has been replaced with an all music morning show. As the stations puts it:

"It's about stationality," said program director Joel Salkowitz, meaning the station wants the same sound whenever a listener tunes in.

Now when will other radio stations work to do something different like Pulse 87. There are listeners out there searching for a format that appeals to them. The problem is that terrestrial radio doesn’t know how to reach them. Satellite radio may have to close shop before long, because they're so much in debt. They need to realize all the work listeners are putting in just to program their MP3 or iPod, even if they're downloading for free.

As for Star, he will take some time off to rest. He had a liver transplant less than a year ago, about six weeks before he started the gig at Pulse 87. How he was able to do a daily radio show was amazing.

By the way boys and girls this behavior will get you a liver transplant before you're 40:

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