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October 24, 2008

McCain Campaign Volunteer Lied About Attack

Pittsburgh police say a McCain campaign volunteer made up a story of being robbed, pinned to the ground and having the letter "B'' scratched on her face in a politically inspired attack.
Maurita Bryant, the assistant chief of the police department's investigations division, says 20-year-old Ashley Todd is being charged with making a false report to police.

Todd, of College Station, Texas, initially said a 6-foot-4 black man robbed her at knifepoint Wednesday night and then cut her cheek after seeing a McCain sticker on her car.
Earlier Friday, police said there were "inconsistencies" in her story and gave her a polygraph test.

This is sick! I'm just surprise to find out that she is not from Western Pennsylvania.

1 comment:

  1. Look lady u are so stupid!!!!!!!!!! get over it "Our President is Black"!


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