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December 26, 2008

How Do You View Kwanzaa?

Could it be the lack of media attention for an uncommercialized and unprofitable holiday for retailers, other than a quick mention on the radio or television, that shapes our view of this holiday? Think about it while you enjoy the 70% off savings the next couple of days; meanwhile the fitness, weight-loss and Valentine's Day ads are being readied for your consumption.

"Ask the five closest black people to you if they celebrate Kwanzaa. Ask them to break down what it all means and how they've incorporated it into their holiday traditions. Turn to someone sitting next to you right now, and ask them to tell you about their Kwanzaa celebrations. Exactly." - taken from The Trouble with Kwanzaa

ReelBlack TV interviews filmmaker M.K. Asante Jr. on his movie "The Black Candle".

The film is available on DVD at website www.theblackcandle.com. The Executive Producers of the film are Kenny Gamble of Philadelphia International Records and Dr. Walter Lomax, owner of Levas Communications and 900 AM WURD Radio in Philadelphia.

The following blog may be the way most African Americans view the holiday: From Erin Evans of The Root:

The Trouble With Kwanzaa

I get the principles. But wearing kente cloth and knowing Swahili words doesn't make me any more authentic.

OK, this may not be politically correct to say, but I just don't get what's up with Kwanzaa. Our family celebrated it two or three times in the '90s. We had a kinara, handmade by my Uncle Calvin; the seven candles, three red ones for the struggle, three green ones for hope and a black one for our people. Before bed we'd say a few words, light a candle and quickly blow it out, because mom never liked lighting candles in the house. She'd give us each a book—the standard gift for Kwanzaa celebration. And the whole thing lasted about five minutes total... Read more>>

I wonder what regular folks on the street think about Kwanzaa, D.L.?>>

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