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August 13, 2009

Adjust Your Color The Truth of Petey Greene

<a href="http://www.joost.com/39s1sssi/t/Independent-Lens-Adjust-Your-Color-The-Truth-of-Petey-Greene">Independent Lens - Adjust Your Color: The Truth of Petey Greene</a>

This full documentary profiles the great Petey Greene, radio legend at WOL radio in Washington, D.C. Look for CBS Sports James Brown at around the 20:00 minute mark in. Also Radio One and TV One CEO and Chairman Alfred Liggins at age 14 (30:00 minute mark), and many others who received encouraging words from Petey Greene in their early lives including Democratic party spokesperson/TV commentator Donna Brazile and boxer Sugar Ray Leonard.

1 comment:

  1. Is this a new documentary or the same one PBS showed last year? When I saw it, I found it very interesting, and I wondered why Black radio doesn't attempt to do that now [ besides the fact that the white power structure won't put up with it ]. The closest thing to Petey that i've heard in my lifetime would have to be Charlemagne,sad to say, but I can see him getting shut down with the quickness if he started down that same path.


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