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September 7, 2009

Damon Weaver, Kid Reporter, Scooped Everyone on Obama's "Back to School" Speech

Our favorite news reporter and soon to be media star, Damon Weaver; (the 11 year old from Florida) was first to get the scoop on President Obama's 18 minute speech on education scheduled for tomorrow. Damon sought for months to get an interview with the President, even during the presidential campaign last year. Last month Damon was granted an interview and that's when President Obama revealed his plans to give the "big speech." Who knew at the time that a speech about staying in school would be controversial?

In a blog titled "Conservative media take a strong stand against ... learning?!?" Media Matter says...

If there is anybody out there who still doesn't believe that the conservative media will attack President Obama no matter what he does, consider this: Right-wingers are telling children to skip school as a protest against Obama's encouragement of students to stay in school. Read more from Media Matters

1 comment:

  1. Like Chicken George said To Kunta Kinte, "You In Amerikkka now, Guinea Man".


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