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December 22, 2009

April Ryan Interviews President Barack Obama

April Ryan White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks interviews President Obama on a number of topics including the Health Care Reform Bill. The full post and audio are posted on the Huffington Post website.

Here is one of April Ryan's questions: "Speaking of the African American community, this seems to be a shift in black leadership, as it relates to supporting you. You have the CBC that's upset with you about targeting on the jobs front -- African Americans, 15.6 percent unemployment rate, expected to go to 20 percent; mainstream America 10 percent. Then you have black actors who supported you -- Danny Glover, who's saying that you've not changed, your administration is the same as George W. Bush. What are your thoughts about the fact that black leadership is grumbling, and the fact that people are concerned with you being the first African American President, and they thought that there would be a little bit more compassion for black issues?

How did The President respond?

Click here to hear the full interview along with a transcript of the interview session

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