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April 20, 2011

Government Will Not Make Them Put FM Radio Chips in Cell Phones

The radio industry and the National Association of Broadcasters are not going to like this but...

This is what's going to happen according to a bill introduced by California representatives Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Anna Eshoo (D-CA). They have teamed together to introduce a House of Representatives Resolution that would discourage the imposition of production mandates on consumer electronics manufacturers.

Gary Shapiro, president and CEO of the Consumers Electronics Association, who favors the bill said, “An FM chip mandate is unnecessary and unjustified. These new mobile devices are platforms for innovation and creativity, and Americans can decide for themselves what functions and features they want. Requiring today’s digital phones to include an analog FM Chip makes as much sense as requiring them to include a telegraph.”

Wait...Did he just say radio is not creative or innovative? Seems like the argument about people needing to listen to radio for information during a national emergency situation is not holding much water.

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