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February 3, 2014

Beats by Dre Provides Chart Push for Aloe Blacc with Ellen DeGeneres

Things are looking up for Aloe Blacc!!!
We are sure singer Aloe Blacc no longer needs to sing "I Need A Dollar" anymore. (Do you remember that one?) The mildly successful track brought some celebrity and recognition to the little known artist and former rapper. However he was destined to remain under the radar because quite frankly Blacc's sound didn't really fit into a specific music category when it comes to Pop or R&B.

However based on the successful 'Beats by Dre' ad campaign featuring Super Bowl winning Seattle Seahawks' cornerback Richard Sherman, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and others; Blacc's song "The Man" is getting airplay around the country and is climbing the charts. In essense advertising and not program directors are making the music choices that listeners hear on the radio. Cross marketing campaigns during the Super Bowl is not unprecedented, but the number of platforms this campaign presents is interesting and reaches into not only TV but radio playlists, mobile music streaming, and iTunes music sales. Without this deal, most likely we would have never heard much from Aloe Blacc on a wide scale basis.

Beats by Dre promotes new service with Ellen. If Eve had a
TV show would she have been an option?
But now you can expect another hit from Blacc in a few weeks based on the push he is getting from Beats by Dre and of all people Ellen DeGeneres, who many may feel doesn't exactly fit the typically profile of the high end headphone user. The audio headphone company is pushing it's new audio streaming service with AT&T and is directing attacking Pandora. See the ad below featuring the Aloe Balcc's 'You Can Do This.' (We agree with the points Ellen makes when setting up the commercial.  For us it makes Pandora a music service that is unlistenable.)

More on this FROM musictimes.com -"We're not ones to cheat and look at Super Bowl commercials ahead of time, but we couldn't help ourselves when we heard Ellen DeGeneres revealed her Beats Audio commercial early.

We thought the same thing you did: Is DeGeneres really the ideal candidate for a company essentially fronted by Dr. Dre, with a streaming service designed by Trent Reznor, and commercials featuring Kevin Garnett and Richard Sherman? Basically, it's a company based on being a badass. Not something the talk show host is known for.

So we watched, and were okay with what we saw. One commenter on DigitalMusicNews.com, thought he knew better."  Read more  The article discusses the adveritising push of Aloe Blacc and Pharrell's 'Happy' as well.

Listening to the song 'The Man"on the radio makes it sound like an extra long commercial for Beats

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