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March 31, 2014

DeSean Jackson is a Gang Member, Here's the Proof

A Lesson in Media Manipulation by an NFL Team

This story has been updated [see below]
The Philadelphia Eagles cut their Pro Bowl wide receiver DeSean Jackson last week because of his association with Los Angeles area gangs. Look above... He put up a gang sign in a NFL game! Which means he is a gang member. Right?  Less than an hour after a story titled 'DeSean Jackson's gang connections troubling to Eagles' appeared on the website NJ.com, the Philadelphia Eagles disassociated themselves with the best wide receiver on their team from a season ago. 

Here's more proof of his gang affiliation.

DeSean Jackson was hanging out with rappers at a rap battle in Philly. There were some radio personalities in the house. They must be gang members also. DeSean wants to get into the Hip Hop game and has a rap label.  
Wait, Michael Vick was there too? You see he ain't with the Eagles no more.

Then we see DeSean selling...

Next DeSean with his gang on TV... **ALERT** You can only watch this on YouTube

Oh could it be that the Philadelphia Eagles just simply didn't want to pay DeSean the $11 million he would have been owed in 2014 and tried to make sure no other team would want to go near this alleged "gang banger"??? Nah, the NFL don't play dirty like that? 

Anyone surprised we haven't heard the word "thug" yet?

Which ESPN Report do you believe? Certainly not the last one...

Stephen A.Smith tells us the real deal...
DeSean was just not head coach Chip Kelly kind of guy...
No credibility at all...

UPDATED 4/2/14
DeSean Jackson signed a three year contract with the Washington Redskins today. The NFL team tweeted the info below. Interesting enough, Richard Sherman, another NFL player whose image was tarnished by the media, tweeted out a picture of himself and DeSean as kids. They played baseball together. He talked about it on his blog.

The point of this post was partly satire and partly playing into the perception of many who believe DeSean Jackson has some sort of gang affiliation. To those of you who came to this post looking for some proof; sorry to disappoint you. The Philadelphia Eagles basically set up and launched a character assassination against DeSean Jackson for no other reason than they were unwilling to fulfill their contract obligations towards their star wide receiver. Unlike other professional sports teams, in the NFL contracts are not guaranteed. The Eagles decided to trump up a gang story based on events that happened in 2011. Let's be mindful that the Eagles signed Jackson to a new contract in 2012. Somehow that fact did not deter them from giving him a contract extension at the time.

DeSean became a problem when he asked for a new contract a couple of days after the team's season ending playoff loss to the New Orleans Saints. He asked for more money based on the fact he had his best season as a pro in 2013. The Eagles decided at that point they could no longer deal with their star and somewhat of a diva wide receiver. On the day they cut him from the team, the gang story appeared on the NJ.com website. The sources quoted in the article came directly from inside the offices of the Philadelphia Eagles management. The Eagles organization is surely counting on their fan base to believe their action of cutting DeSean Jackson from the team was justified.

That is media manipulation.

The above videos are NOT examples of gang affiliations. Just because football players hang out with rappers does not mean they are gangsters or involved in crime. DeSean's good-nature comes shining through with the videos of him interacting with the public while selling his CD and his jersey. His appearance on The View and helping the kid who was bullied was genuine. If you want to believe in stereotypes, then go right ahead. If you want to draw conclusions based on what something looks like then go right ahead. Sorry we could not accommodate you in your quest to find gang proof in a player flashing a gang sign.

Isn't it ironic that DeSean flashed the signed in a game against the Washington Redskins...

Good luck DeSean in DC.

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