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August 27, 2008

More Democratic National Convention Coverage

ABC Radio Networks' "The Ride With Doug and DeDe" will have co-host DeDe McGuire broadcasting live interviews from Denver beginning this afternoon (Aug. 27) through August 29, while Doug Banks will be back in the Dallas based studio. More at http://www.douganddede.com/

1 comment:

  1. I think that Dyson should be taken to task for his comment. He should have been more responsible for obvious reasons. Him dancing the snake was also interesting. I am a doctor myself who worked for years as a print journalist, and I am sensitive to images of African Americans. I don't think it is fair or good journalism to sum up TV One's coverage in such a limited way. Even the way that Dyson's comment is presented here, is very mis-leading and shows "Hate" and an intent to silence. I started out like most everyone else in America -- I began watching the convention on MSNBC and CNN -- formally the only ones in the game. I was so irritated by the constant focus on the Clintons and the repeated raising of the racist question of "Is Barack qualified to be president?" that I was turned off. I also did not like the fact that they were always pundits talking and trying to spin things, rather than showing more convention coverage. I remembered that TV One was broadcasting live from the convention, turned, and was pleasantly surprised by the alternative. I watched the coverage on TV One thereafter. Dyson's comment does not represent the coverage provided by TV One. The Covention Coverage and the After-Party were outstanding! They presented more convention speeches, presented more of the views of the convention-attending public (of all races, ages, sexual-orientations and genders), provided professional interviews with people like Hilliary Clinton, Hill Harper, Ms. Jarret, Jackson and others, provided relevant political and social facts, provided music by folk like John Legend and the Staple Singers, and presented an African American perspective. I loved the celebratory aspect of the After-Party show (as we have been so shell-shocked and "careful" that we really have forgotten to celebrate this historic milestone). Jackie Reid as always was professional and on top of her game, and the human-interest features and refreshments presented by G. Garvin added a nice touch(providing viewers with a broader glimpse of the Denver community). The After-Party was a well-rounded show that took into account the diversity of interests, views and opinions in our community and which I feel, represented us well. The show also did the work of getting the message out and of setting the foundation for voter-registration and related political activism that must take place in our community if we are to get Obama elected in November. No one else could give us this message. Why is the focus only on Dyson, and why did this writer choose to sum up the entire four-day series with a potentially controversial quote by Dyson when there was so many more postive aspects of the program to report on also? Where was the balance? Did the writer even see the show? or has he/she done what some others have done -- see the commercials and assume that naturally we would be doing our normal "coonery". Kudos to Cathy Hughes and her staff for providing the African American community with a viable alternative for viewing the convention. It was all we had; it was good too!!


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