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January 5, 2009

Young Reporter Denied Obama Interview, Going to Washington Anyway

Student Reporter Damon Weaver interviews Dwayne Wade, Shawn Marion and others concerning his efforts to interview President Elect Barack Obama during the Inauguration (This kid is GREAT!)

Pint-size TV broadcaster Damon Weaver, 10, has been denied media credentials to President-elect Obama's inauguration - a tough lesson for the local fifth-grader in the competitive game of Washington journalism. But Damon isn't about to let the snub derail his coverage of the historic event.

With about $8,000 in donations, Damon, his teacher, a student cameraman and two parents will travel to Washington on Jan. 18 to prepare for a KEC-TV special inauguration broadcast. Read more from the Palm Beach Post>>

This young man has a bright future in the media industry and all the best to him in the future. It seems he has a lot of determination to make it to Washington, just like the Senate appointee Roland Burris, picked to fill Obama's senate seat by Illinois Gov. Blagojevich.

The next Black Senator from Illinois?

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