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June 11, 2009

Chris Paul, Donnie Simpson's Sidekick, Leaves WPGC

DCRTV reports that comedian Chris Paul just quit Washington DC's WPGC 95.5. Paul was the morning co-host of the Donnie Simpson show, and left while Donnie is on vacation. No one really knows the reason why he quit, could be a budget cut at the station or Paul may be going over to 93.3 WKYS.

The site also reports that WPGC may in fact change or tweak their format due to low ratings. WPGC is no longer a reliable top 5 rated station and with the PPM rating system their numbers have dropped to more of a 14th or 15th place station. There also has been a slump in the numbers for Simpson, a 30 year DC radio vet. Maybe Jonas Brothers could be on the menu?

As I have been saying, PPM and not the Performance Royalty Tax, is a bigger threat to urban/hip-hop and R&B radio.


  1. I don't blame Chris Pula for leaving. When Donnie goes on vacation he leaves his son to host the show and Chris Paul always as back-up. I will most definetly follow Chris becasue he's hilarious and always speaks his mind.

  2. Donnie should have been the one to give it up. Every 3 or 4 months he takes off on vacation for a month so it's clear being the DJ isn't the most important thing in his life anymore and it shouldn't be he's done it all but maybe it's time for him to pass things over to someone else.

  3. both of you need to stop taking drugs or whatever you are doing. Chris is never the backup whenever Donnie goes on vacation. Why should he be the one to give it up, he was there before Chris was. As you may not know, Donnie was the one that brought Chris to WPGC in the first place. Also, Donnie never takes off every three or four months for a vacation. How dare you state what is the most important thing in his life, you really do not know what is. That only goes to show you who really listens to WPGC. You think that he should pass it over to you?

  4. Wow, Chris Paul kept the show live and upbeat. All respect to Donnie's son DJ, but he's just not that good on radio. I suspect ratings will go down dramatically unless Big Tigger can take over the morning show. No more Skins songs. Paul was truly a talented cat...I'm sure he'll land somewhere.

  5. Rumor has it that WPGC was hit with a budget cut, and Chris Paul saw the writing on the wall, possibly saw more money, too. I'm just scared for Donnie Simpson, Jr. (D.J.)... They say talent skips a generation, and D.J. certainly brings that point into sharp relief... Donnie senior is set for life, with all the money that he has made from cable and radio, and it's obvious that he passes his largess on to his son. However, if Donnie senior gets the ax as it has been rumored, his son, D.J., is in for a rough rest of his life, for I fail to see what particular skill, talent, or education he can rely on to support himself, his wife and his very new daughter... This recession is no joke...

  6. I will really miss Chris Paul. I think Donnie and Chris had a great dynamic. I love Donnie too, but the show worked really well as a team. Donnie's son, DJ, is not good at all. He is only there because his father got him the job. He is boring and really has nothing to add to the show. This is very sad news for WPGC.

  7. The worst thing is that with Chris gone that means no more "Skillet" I loved the Skillet. No more Judge Poole, no more Freddie Vernel and no more Tony "tone deaf" Robinson.

    What station is 93.3 anyway?

  8. I have been listening to the Donnie Simpson show since he came to WPGC. He and Chris made a great team! I can't believe Chris is gone! I knew Donnie was on vacation and sometimes Chris will fill in with someone like DL Hughley or he and DJ and sometimes he goes on vacation for a week or two as well. But I was in shock this morning when Donnie confirmed the news this morning.

    I have to agree with a previous poster, Donnie does seem to take several weeks off at least every 4 months or so. But he deserves to be off.

    To know that the Skillet will not be around anymore is depressing.I love me some Judge Poole and Tony Tone Def.
    Chris is very talented and his talents, no doubt will be put to use somewhere else. The show will not be the same without him. I like Donnie, but he and Chris played off each other so well. I certianly won't miss those stupid Redskins songs.

  9. I was disappointed to hear Donnie confirm that Chris Paul had left the show. I will miss Judge Pool and the other characters from in the skillet. It was the funniest segment of the show. Chris Paul is talented and a great comic. WPGC's loss is another employer's gain!

  10. Donnie is off so much until I decided to mark my calendar every time he was off. There is no question that he is off "every" holiday. None of the others are! In fact, they have to sit in for him when he is off! Which means, their show is not important. Only Donnie's! He takes two and three weeks off at a time, especially at Christmas!! The best replacement this time was D L Hughley & Tigger!! That was a good two days!
    Chris Paul!! We love you!! Good Luck. Let us know where you land.

  11. Well we may never know what happen...I'm glad i don't have to hear them bum redskins songs any more...lol.. but i wish him the best in his career..

  12. It is amazing how many folks mentioned Donnie taking a vacation or two or three or four. That has nothing to do with Chris leaving. I detect a hint of hate, lol. Much respect to Donnie. Chris will be missed, he was the backbone to the show.

  13. Chris will be truly missed. Again, he is very talented. I had no idea he wrote for Huggy Low Down or the Skillet, wow! I think it will really impact the show. Donnie is a great talent and has been around forever but DJ, all he does is piggy back on others comments and American Idol, (who cares). Why is it such a hush, hush thing? If I didn't hear Donnie near to tears and listened closer I wouldn't have know. I thought they both were on vacation as to why he wasn't hosting the show. Chris did seem to be in the background when Donnie took vacations..he clearly could have hosted the show himself without guest celebrity hosts. Someone else will benefit from Chris' departure..

  14. I will really miss Chris. For me, he made the show. I just don't think Donnie can carry the show by himself and his son is in no way a replacement for Chris. I probably won't be listening anymore.

  15. Even though I wasn't a big Chris Paul fan, it will be very different without him with Donnie in the morning. He was funny and said anything stupid. I didn't know he was behind the "Skillet". I LOVED Judge Poole, use to make sure I listened just to hear that. I will miss that big time.

  16. It is so sad to hear that Chris Paul left. He was Robin to Donnie's Batman. And those Redskins song were the best. I would blast my car radio in the garage of my job every time they came on. And no more "Skillet",this is a sad week for WPGC. R.I.P.

  17. I have to agree with previous comments that the Chris Paul & Donnie Simpson team were like Batman and Robin -- they played off each other perfectly! No offense, but Donnie, Jr. is a total bore (if I had to hear one more American Idol update I think my head was going to explode and does ANYONE really care?!) Chris Paul is a comedic genius and will surely land on his feet! WPGC lost Huggy Low Down and now Chris Paul -- what or who's next?? Sad day at WPGC, if you ask me. And I'm sorry I just couldn't listen to Tigger every morning -- he played some of the worse "music" those few days he was sitting in.

  18. I just realized Chris Paul was gone from WPGC. I found out from a radio advertisement. I wasn't feelin' the morning show when Tigger was substituting so I kept checking back every now and again. But it wasn't until this morning when I heard WPGC was searching for a co-host for Donnie that it struck me, then I came in to work and jumped on the internet to see if it was true...to my surprise it was! I love Chris Paul, he keeps the show interesting. I appreciated Huggy Low Down more so that the skillet, but nonetheless I listened to them both. To find out now that the skillet will no longer be in existence makes me question if I should even listen to WPGC any longer. Just not that interested. I am not a loyal listener anyway, I listen to WKYS more so....so I guess it doesn't matter to me, I will just leave my radio on 93.9....

  19. It's very sad to see Chris Paul exit WPGC. WPGC has been falling apart since Jay Stevens left in 2007, and I just want this hemorrhaging of talent to end. WPGC needs to get back to the basic that is being a stable urban-leaning Rhythmic that has great talent. I think WPGC should bring TC who does that female-oriented segment on full-time on with Donnie and talented comedic individual to balance out mornings.

  20. Donnie lost me a long time ago...Russ Parr all day.
    People migrate, Donnies crowd has either gone the steve harvey/ tom joyner route (older) or the other route(younger) to Russ Parr. At least Donnies better than that clown up in bmore...Ricky Dicky Smiley...

  21. I just want to touch on the vacation thing real quick. I know it's Donnies business when and how often he takes a vacation, but damn does he have to go every 4 to 5 months. The vacations just highlighted how bad the show was with DJ. Whenever DJ was left to hold it down, he was terrible. DJ has no place in the show at all. American Idol updates were just a waste of time.

    (Back on subject) For Chris, we're def going to miss him. He was such a talented person on the show. He was responsible for so many acts on the show. I'm going to miss the SKINS songs during the season. Good luck Chris with everything u do!

    The fact that PGC is holding a nationwide search for a co-host, just shows the decline of the show and the station in my opinion. From articles I was reading, it seems PGC might be having some financial and/or ratings issues, if Tigger leaves anytime soon........

  22. The show hasn't been the same since Huggy left. End of story.

  23. I just learned that Chris Paul has left the show. Wow. It's about time. This is a classic example of a father's blindness to his no-talent child killing a show. I don't know which is worse - DJ's horrible on-air presence or the sad fact that Donnie Sr. shamelessly promotes his no-talent son. Chris Paul will land on his feet. He's young, talented (way more talented than DJ, and has his best years in front of him. Good luck Chris ... now if we can just get DJ OFF THE AIR!!!!

  24. Anonymous

    I was very disappointed when I found out that Chris Paul left the show. I still listen to the Donnie Simpson show but it is not the same
    without Chris. I got most of my laughs from Chris jokes. He is a very talented man and I wish him much sucess, love, peace and happiness.

  25. After reading all of the previous comments, I have to agree that the loss of Chris will be truly felt by PGC listeners. I would listen to the morning show just for Chris' jokes and felt that he and Donnie had real chemistry. Oh well, guess I'll be taking my ears on over to 102.3.

  26. Chris Paul and the Characters that he brought to the show is what made The Morning Show. I love Donnie Sr. he's very knowledgable about his music, artists and he gives me e-news and local new so I don't have to buy a news paper. DJ is a total bore, I don't watch American Idol so I changed the station when that discussion is taken place. If that all he has to offer and they let Chris go then good luck. TC all she talks about a "get back for women" she is boring and dry. I also changed the station when she come on. I make sure at 6:40 and 8:40 my radio is on so I can listen to the "What cooking in the skillet" another one of Chris inventions just like Huggie Lowdown. What about the Redskins songs. If you don't see my point by now you haven't been reading. Chris Paul is The Morning Show, in fact it should be called The Chris Paul morning show featuring Donnie Simpson. Who's the comedian now on the show. We as listeners don't tune in for the music, we have that on all the morning stations. Good luck Donnie, I think letting Chris go is highly flammable for your career, I'm not same hiring your son is a bad move because parent will bring their family in the business but when family is lacking talent then you need that sidekick that will carry you.

  27. To echo a lot of other posts, Chris is definitely being missed right now . He's being missed by Donnie, us listeners and by DJ (although he will never admit it). Chris' departure seems to spotlight just how boring DJ is as on-air talent. I love Donnie, I've listened to him since he came to DC. He knows music and he knows how to interview even if it does sound like he kisses up to a lot of the interviewees.I checked FB when Donnie announced Chris' departure and DJ did not hide his feelings about Chris leaving. He never mentioned names, but he said that there was drama at work and that he felt betrayed. He even rhetorically asked "how do you handle being backstabbed and betrayed by someone?".On air,Donnie said that there were only two people in the business that he believed always had his back (Chris and DJ). I think that this was in response to DJ posting on both of their FB pages that he (Donnie) doesn't have to worry about the drama at work because he (DJ) will always have his back. Donnie recognizes that Chris has to grow and leave a comfy home. He was classy in pointing out Chris' many contributions to the show, but I haven't heard him mention Chris since. It's just business, good luck Chris.

  28. This is incredible. I am very upset to hear that Chris has left the show. I have nothing but respect for Donnie Simpson (how can you not) but Chris definitely made that morning show. Not only is he funny, he's also very knowledgable. Chris Paul can hold his own in any conversation. I am going to miss him but to be perfectly honest, I feel like "they" have been slighting Chris ever since DJ was added to the mix. I have to say that I saw it coming. Much love and respect to Chris. I know that he will land on his feet. I'll always be a Chris Paul fan.

  29. I won't hate on Donnie Simpson, but you have to admit dude is on vacation a lot. Donnie is an old school disc jockey. frankly, he seems waaaaaaay out of place playing soulja boy and this other rap when you know his true love would be more mature R&B or Tom joyner's format.

    I don't know how radio calculates their numbers, but i can tell you WKYS and WPGC are not doing as great as many think. I don't listen to Donnie because i don't want to hear him fawn over tiger woods and corny movies all day.

    Before Chris Paul left, Huggy Low Down made the show. now huggy is doing well nationally. Chris paul probably said now is my time to go for it. I wish him the best.

  30. I just realized today that Chris was gone. I was wondering what was going on. I was hoping during this whole Michael Jackson thing that Chris would come off vacation and weigh in. I was also wondering what was happening wht the skillet - which were hilarious. Anyway, Chris was my favorite. I loved Donnie, as the strong patriarch of the show - but dang - his monotone, flat-lined son - with his "no-conversation-havin' self" was a total BORE!!! I am upset that Crhis is gone. he and Donnie had the best chemistry. I can't stand Russ and all that cooning, Steve harvey is too much of a primadonna, and tom joyner is old, corny , and blech! Anyway - I'll make sure to listen to my Sirius satellite in the morning. Good Luck Chris!!

  31. Donnie and Chris were good together. DJ is WHACK..If Dad Donnie leaves what is DJ going to do. He can't handle radio. He doesn't have it for radio. He only has the job because of of his dad. Cuts are taking place everywhere and if Chris got offered a BIG layoff package and an offer from somewhere else then RUN and make that money and keep people laughing. I didn't know that WPGC's rating put them in 14th or 15th place. That's a big drop from 1st and 5th place.
    I wish Chris well. Blessings

  32. Chris Paul has always been the the glue to the WPGC Moring Show. He created Huggy Low Down, the Redskins songs, and any funy bit Donnie ever had. I'm glad he left to pursue his true passion, writting. Trust me, you will be seeing Chris Paul's name in movies, and t.v. real soon. DC wishes you luck Chris Paul, and thank you for waking us up with your talent and humor for all these years.

  33. Yes, I def saw this along time ago. Ever since Donnie bought his whack son on the show who is a complete bore, it was apparent that they were crowding out Chris. I'm glad that Chris took his leave and didn't stand for the mistreatment. How is it that DJ would host the show when Donnie was away and Chris has much more tenure and experience than him? Just plain crazy. Anyway, after Huggy left I knew it was trouble but I'm not absolutely certain that their ratings will drop miserably. Best wishes to Chris! Donnie is whack and so is his son!

  34. Much respect to Donnie Simpson. I don't understand why he never syndicated. Donnie, Chris and Huggy's chemistry was on point. I can only wish they had struck while the iron was hot. I certainly believe they would have done better than some of these other morning show's that murdered [the jobs] the local morning show jocks. My best goes out to Chris, Donnie and DJ. To DJ best of luck.. you have some big shoes to fill if you pursue radio. As you can see, the public is very brutal and this business versus the bad economy is NO joke.

  35. Haters will hate, the name of the game is confusion and separate. Can I get some good music,laughter a little inspirational insight, knowledge and humor which is what Chris Paul added to the show. Making jokes of the less fortunate is not funny (WKYS) but playing music to get you out of bed, into traffic and off to my 9-5 is just a touch of happiness I need in the morning.

  36. Tracey (Almost Famous) JacksonJuly 28, 2009 at 9:42 AM

    Chris was the show! When he left so did the funny skits and parodys that everyone listen out for; no more skillet or redskin songs or inuendo's that made you laugh in the morning.

  37. I'm going to miss Chris Paul, what a true talent and the glue that kept WPGC and Donnie together. I agree DJ belongs behind the scene,I definitely don't want to wake up to him every morning. Donnie do have a morning voice but thats only part of it u need a side kick. Can't stand Stever Harvey ebonic voice in the morn. Tom Joyner talks about all our brothers and sister, I may give Russ Parr another shot. Hate those syndicated shows. Maybe I'll invest in satellite radio.

  38. I hope and pray Chris Paul will come to Baltimore morning radio 92Q morning show suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. Becuase I never heard the confirmation by Donnie that Chris was gone I didn't know what happened they never mention him so I decided to Google to see what I could find out, I didn't know if he was sick or something, as relived as I was to hear he was ok, I was saddened to know that he had left the show, I wish him well and the same to Donnie, DJ, and Guy.

  40. OK, because I take the metro to work, I hardly hear the entire show, but I kept wondering why I didn't hear Chris Paul. Wow! I love me some Chris he and Donnie made a great team. And I must say I am glad I am not alone in this thought: DJ is BORING!!! He should be behind the scenes and not on the radio. There is nothing exciting about him. Not playa hating at all, but it is what it is. I like the addition, he's funny!

  41. I have been on vacation for about a month. I listen to the Donnie Simpson's morning show every day for years even when he was on 93.3WKYS. I was wondering where were Chris Paul. I never herd Donnie announce that Chris Paul has left the show. If they were cutting back, they should have cut his Son Donnie Jr. that has no talent what so ever on the Radio. Chris Paul is a comedic genius and will surely land on his feet! WPGC lost Huggy Low Down and now Chris Paul -- what or who's next?? Sad day at WPGC, if you ask me.

  42. I thinks Chris should have taken the lead from Donnie when he retired but that won't happen now. I hear Mike Brooks is going to take Chris Paul's place, Mike is not mentaly sharp enough to fill those shoes!!

    Someone mentioned the skillet, the skillet was weak glad it's gone!

  43. With the Redskins playing to night it only reminded me how much I will miss Chris Paul. I don't know what I'm going to do with out the weekly Redskin song this season.

  44. I just happened to flick my dial over to TJMS and heard something that sounded like Chris Paul and the song he did...It was called "Madden2010"...Sure enuff when the song ended, Tom Joyner said "Great Job Chris"...Looks like chris has done well to go nationally with his talents if he is truly with TJMS, even though I dont listen to it. I wish him luck because ever since Huggy went over there he is just UNFUNNY!!!


  46. Sad to see him gone. Show was nowhere near as entertaining. Glad to see anyone be able to take time off with family on a regular(or maybe more)for vacation. But when i turn to a show named after that person,I dont expect to hear a fill-in for a week or 2, without the next talented or really the most talented running things. Wherever Chris lands i will surely tune in.

  47. I am sorry to hear that Chris Paul left. I agree with most of the comments saying that he will be missed....but I won't miss those corney redskins songs :(

    I'm glad Donnie Simpson and Guy Lambert are still committed to the morning show. I feel for DJ Simpson because its really hard to follow in his dad's footsteps.

    I think the winner of America's Next Top Jock, Anji Corley, will give the show a boost. She is multi-talented: raps, sings, acts, host tv shows and radio, models, mentors, etc. Although, its obvious that Anji will be following a very tough act, it sure will be good to hear a female's voice on the show :)

  48. Chris Paul exit is worse than the Green Bay Packers --Brett Favre break-up...God Bless You Chris....

  49. I am glad to report that Chris is now with The Tom Joyner Morning Show, he has even put out the new Skins song!!!!!!!!!!!

  50. Too bad WPGC did not appreciate Chris Paul. He and Donnie were the perfect match and shame on wpgc for not recognizing his worth. I remember Donnie saying that before he went on vacation and renegotiating his own contract he asked them to do something for Chris. I guess that wasn't enough. I wish you well Chris and hurry up and come back. Miss ya

  51. It's time for Donnie and his whole family to go back to Detroit! His son King Kong DJ is a joke as a radio personality and flat out BORING. The show should be renamed The Chris Paul morning show and it WILL take over the DC urban radio ratings. It comes a time when we all must retire and the green eyed bandit is waaaay past his time. Wake Up WPGC, whomever is calling the shots over there is out to lunch!!! WPGC days are numbered, this show sucks!

  52. God does NOT LIKE UGLY!


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