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May 1, 2013

Michael Baisden Off the Air Causes PD's to Re-Think Afternoons

V101.9 Looks to Abandon The Skip Murphy Show with a contest

There was a time of day that one on-air personality and a tight playlist was all a radio station, particularly a Black radio station, needed to compete in the marketplace. However since the departure of Michael Baisden's syndicated afternoon radio show many program directors across the country have had to re-think what they want to offer their listeners in the afternoon.

With the advent of social media, listeners are begging for conversation on the news topics of the day that range from the recent buzz of free agent NBA player Jason Collin's admission of his gay sexual orientation to the rachetness of Love and Hip Hop or the Real Housewives of Atlanta.

CBS Radio's Urban AC station V101.9 (WBAV) in Charlotte is the latest station to hold an on air contest for their next afternoon host. This follows in the footsteps of WHUR in Washington and Hot 105 in Miami. Those two stations have decided not to air the Skip Murphy Show. (WHUR is now in their fifth week of their search.)

But before V101.9 launches their afternoon host contest, they are asking listeners to tell them what they want to hear out of their afternoon show. Currently V101.9 is airing Skip Murphy, a Charlotte, NC area native.

Given what Michael Baisden brought to the airwaves be it pro or con, he did make a mark in the urban radio landscape. Listeners are not only tuning in for music but also information and conversation. Afternoon drive time radio is sounding more and more like morning drive radio.  


  1. Huge Michael Baisden fan, from when he started out as an author in the mid-90s. His impact on radio is missed. And his show was #1 in many markets. Now, I tried to give Skip Murphy a chance, but there is no comparison. I miss the thoughtful conversations Michael had, with just enough controversy to make listening to him appealing. You felt as if he was talking just to you, and his community advocacy was the icing on the cake. Skip Murphy, on the other hand, appears to just throw in taped convos and nothing but song after song -- syndicated radio at its worst! Very vanilla and ho-hum, though I do like when he is the replacement for Tom Joyner. I wish Mr. Murphy success, but please bring back MB, PDs!

    1. I totally agree with everything you just said !!! I turn my radio off at 2 . I don't understand why they took him off the air anyway ..... I won't be turning my radio back on unless they bring Michael Baisden back !!!

    2. I also turn my radio off at 2:00 p.m. and it is NOT turned back on until 8:00 a.m. the next day. I MISS MICHAEL BAISDEN

    3. I don't turn my radio offf I just listen to another station now...not nearly as entertaining though...

    4. When a brother gets on the air waves and says powerful intelligent things,he becomes a threat to the powers that be......Listners want to be engaged with intelligent conversation...not jokes and rap music all day!!!

    5. I just listen to my Sirius radio now. Yes I also tried the Skip show. Its not the same, he has no edge. He does not reach out to me and make me WANT to listen. In Detroit I have many choices in R&B and urban radio, not to mention my Sirius. Michael MADE me WANT to listen, he is not a pleaser, he tells it like he sees it even if I dont agree. Thats what made the show!

    6. I miss Michael B on the radio...i don't know WHAT they were thinking...oh wait, they weren't...and WTH are they doing now...I can't even listen to WHUR in the afternoon now...just my ipod shuffle...they REALLLLY messed up! BRING MICHAEL B BACK!!!!

    7. I listen to the steve harvey show on my way to work and when I get off I change the station you need to bring Michael back before the station go broke.

    8. I miss the Michael Baisden show, I think the 8 million fans should organize to find a way to bring Michael and George back. Skip Murray is boring and shallow. I can not find another station that interest in Cleveland

    9. We should do all just not listen to those stations until they bring him back.

  2. Why is he OFF THE AIR? I listen to him every afternoon on the way home from work...PUT HIM BACK ON!!!!!!

  3. Mike Baseden, simply represented what we do, think and who we are! Hands down, the best in Afternoon Radio!

  4. I don't listen to your station any more, I was used to listing to Michael B on the way home, you need to re instate him, I enjoyed his show and miss the show he was an interesting person with topics we all we interested and we enjoyed it.

  5. The absence of the Michael Baisden show @ 106.3 Chicago has left a huge void in Chicago radio. I've not found any worthy alternatives that offer entertainment as well as meaningful, thought-provoking, community-action-oriented conversation. MB show, MB show, MB show... We hope to re-engage, on the air, or tv, SOON!

  6. Since MB has been gone...i been gone. I just listen to my IPOD. An bcse i can only listen to my radio in my car. I WANT TO SCREAM if i hear That Braxton song ONE MORE TIME! I miss hearing something i nvr heard before...turning it up an saying "I like that"! Radio has went back to SSDD (same sh*&..diffrnt day)! On top of all this....MICHEAL IS MY HUSBAND! (He just don know it yet)!

    1. I completely agree i miss that - ooooooweeee aint heard that one in a while feeling while riding home and playing battle of the sexes!! URGH! Not to mention all my relationship advice

  7. Please. Bring him BACK. All age groups misses him. He made you think,plus the good music,And made you look after your health. He helps people in need.

  8. All the loyal listeners to MB should turn off their radios from 3-7pm or whatever time slot he had in your area & lets see what happens.


    2. Yes. I agree. My radio is already off then. What the hel_ was he taken off? That decision maker should be fired or at least demoted. He ircshe doesn't have a clue!

  9. I am really disturbed that Michael Baisden is off the air. While I did not agree with everything he said; he brought thought provoking issues to the table. He was a voice for the unheard. Please bring him back.

  10. Here is Cleveland, Ohio, 93.1WZAK afternoon radio has for certain gone down in my ratings. MB offered music, encouragement (to live your dream), current events, staying healthy, laughter (that George is a fool), and so much more, that nothing can compare. I loved to hear new music on his show and was glad to listen to someone who seemed to genuinely care about the messages and words he was putting across his airwaves to millions of people everyday, the things that affected me, my family, and my community. He was truly an inspiration and will be missed until his return. Now all I have to listen to in the afternoon is the "alternative" "pop" stations, with the likes of Ryan Seacrest and others, not that I mind that eclecticism. #That is all

    1. I agree with all of the above. I never realized how much I loved the Michael Baisden show (including George and the Latin guy, sorry his name slips my mind right now) until they were gone and I realized the huge void in my life from 3-7 now. The show was entertaining, informative, funny and thought provoking. It not only takes the correct format to create a successful show, but also the right personality and chemistry amongst all the people on the show. That is not easily replacable and I hope the PD's get the point. I turn the station (107.5 Atlanta) at 3 o'clock on the dot every afternoon and I will not ever turn back to that station during those times unless it's to listen to Michael Baisden and the crew( george and Juan, Yay, I remembered)!

  11. Micheal Baisden!! I just have to smile everytime I think about or say this MAN's name. They have no idea what they did by removing him (M.B.)from the airwaves. Anyone with a brain, knows that his show was needed. He was uplifting, positive, truthful, real, and made us all feel apart of a his family. No matter who they throw on in his time slot; it's not him (M.B.)It's only a matter of time before THE KING(M.B.)returns, and I'll be right there sitting at the foot of my radio wishing it was his feet I could sit at and listen to in awe of his every lesson, and informative chats. Until then waiting for real radio to return. -D.J.D.

  12. But this article says nothing of listeners wanting Baisden back on the air or even Program Directors wanting him back on the air. It just states that they don't like what's on now.

    1. Baisden was 'afternoon radio' for me and many. So if the pd's don't like what's on now it certainly implies that Baisden has a formula that worked and is not being used by many afternoon hosts.

  13. I agree!! With all comments. I don't even look forward to listing to the radio. Same stuff just different times of the day.

  14. I purchase SiriusXM radio a month ago. The powers that be(we all know who that is) do not want black people gaining knowledge, sharing information, and promoting positive thoughts, actions and goals. That is why he is off. Why has CNN gotten rid of Soledad O'brien and Roland Martin. My good brother Warren Ballentine was a trailblazer and positive voice on radio. He promoted the Black Friday event in which he encouraged hundreds of thousands of blacks to deposit a small amount into a black banking institution. ( 500,000 blacks deposit $50 and that is $25 Million to invest in black finances and black business. The Powers are now trying to ruin his life with trumped up financial charges. (meanwhile, no bank executive on Wall Street has been prosecuted) We all know why it is being done. To silence the positive and promote more of the ignorant garbage on the radio. They want to keep people stupid with lack of unity and knowledge.

  15. He should just stay gone. George is on Doug Banks. Its a job.

    1. F=== YOU HATER

    2. Maybe you should have never posted this comment, apparently you don't have a clue. I'll give you a hint, throw you a life line Michael Baisden is what every man should wish he was!!!

  16. I miss the MB show so much, everytime I hear the promo song for the Skip Murphy show I just start laughing because it is so whack!! And is he asleep on the air? Or does he think it is midnight, please wake him up!! I am used to feeling the energy from MB's show projecting from the radio. All of the show topics, the games especially involving the kids, the community awareness and the call to stewardship in our community. I hear crickets not good radio in the afternoon.

  17. Hello Michael Baisden family... I live in UTAH where there is NO Black Radio. Everyday at 1:00 I got used to tuning in via my cell phone to the Foxy 107 APP (I'm originally from Durham NC). The sound of George saying "Turn Around" or Janet Jackson's "5,4,3,2...1" will be surely missed. My hopes are that Michael can find his VOICE on SIRIUS/XM radio on the Groove channel each and everyday and flush Cumulus forever. We all need to stay positive and let OUR voice be heard... MB, be cool.

  18. Here in Raleigh I leave gospel on now in at 3pm. I don't care for the Skip Murphy show. I want Michel & George back I didn't care for all their topics really enjoyed the show & miss it. Michael gave out good positive info and encouragement.

  19. Love Skip Murphy. The music is so much better. He's also a great fill in on the TJMS. Been listening to him for years. Don't really care for M.B.

    1. Well. Everyone is entitled to their taste. Skip is dull. When he dubs for Tom Joyner, he kills my morning joy and I can't wait for Tom and the crew to get back. Skip, sorry to say, is simple. That's right! I said it!

    2. Sorry, but Skip needs to follow his name & Skip right on off into the the sunset. And where do they get that lame mixing from and he's from Charlotte, NC? Please:(

  20. Put Michael Baisden back on the radio...period. He was more that a host, he was a community leader, mentor and a voice of the people.

  21. I miss MB on the WHUR station I didnt listen all the time but usually mon thru thur.He was enlightening to hear on information. Music &hot topics. That Murphy guy I just don't like listening to his show. Bring MB back.

  22. They have no idea what they did by removing Michael Baisden. If they have any common sense they will bring him back.

  23. I miss the show so bad. plz bring back

  24. I don't no what is really going on, with the MB show please bring him back soon. PLEASE AND THANK YOU we in DC W/ George W. would say: (TURN A ROUND) and bring back Michael Baisden back to Day-Time RADIO. We need you MB

  25. Another positive, empowering black man has been knock down, so they think. Michael and George might be gone but not forgotten. What God has for you is for you. As a female I appreciate the advice they he put out, he impacted people as gender, parents and victims. He represented it all. Let face facts and be honest in clear they don't want the black community empowered or educated on the way of life whether it be entreprenuers, parents, future leaders, healthy marriages or healthy happy family. Blacks that are not struggling.

  26. MB is missed. My afternoon drive home from work is just not the same. Instead of listening to the radio, I throw in a CD.

  27. Michael and George kept me engaged and laughing! That is so hard to come. Now, instead of listening to Skip Murphy I have gone to the local Hip Hop channel between those hours. They're more original in their programming than Skip.

  28. If you research the owners of M.B.'s former sydicator, it would all make sense. Unfortunatley when their company bought the previous company, it was only a matter of time before he was let go. You can thank deregulation; all of the ownership is going in one direction.

  29. I really didn't realize or appreciate what we had in MB and crew until the show was yanked from the airways. I just took it for granted that things would be status quo day in and day out. When they first went off, I was PISSED...I felt like marching or something to get my show back. I tried to listen to Skip and couldn't get with the program. Skip plays decent music but I am missing the rest...finding missing children, political discussions, relationship talk, the damn near pee your pants funny moments, and so much more. True I didn't always agree with everything MB said but I always understood where he was coming from. If I agreed with everything then I would be voiceless, lack opinion, and a yes-woman!!! MB and crew have done great things for communities across the country and the show was second to none. No other radio personality did/does it like MB...PERIOD! I looked at the lineup of execs for Cumulus and I was not surprised by what I saw, however, I don't want to reduce it to race but I can't help but wonder and speculate about it. Constantly thinking they were trying to muzzle MB and make him out to be a cookie cutter radio personality and he wasn't going for it... just my thoughts!

  30. Bring him back...Skip Murphy show just doesn't cut it.

  31. I wold say bring him back. I stopped turning on the radio during that time.

  32. I enjoyed the MB show. I don't listen to radio anymore because he is not on it. He made me laugh even when I was stuck in traffic. He helped cut down on incidence of road rage. I was too busy laughing at what he and the other people who called in were discussing, rather than getting mad at the person that cut me off in traffic. Put him back on... I enjoy him and George. I also like the Steve Harvey show.

  33. I miss Michael and Uncle George too! But at least you all don't have to listen to some clown talking about "and yo mama nem" on the radio every day like we do in Oklahoma City. It's like going from driving a Mercedes to a riding in a Ford Pinto. I had to put my CD case back in the car.

  34. I was shocked to hear George on the air (@ WHUR), with Doug Banks! I'm sorry, but the chemistry is not what it was when he was with Michael. I applaud the effort, but we NEED someone who is not only there to entertain us, but to enlighten...I miss you Mr. Baisden.

  35. A huge loss to radio. I don't even like listening to the radio in the afternoons anymore. Baisden's shows were engaging, enlightening and thought provoking. Baisden and George were a great team and had great chemistry. Radio is not the same at 3pm. Taking him off was a great disservice to the radio listening community.

  36. Bring MB back cause this is some frackle nackle bull. Yay I said it. He is truly missed Washingtion DC area

  37. Please Bring Michael Basiden back. This Skip dude and the girl gotta go. When my mom and our in the car round 3 to 7 here in Richmond, Virginia we turn the station to the gospel station and when I am at home I listen to my CDs or music on my phone or other stations.

  38. This void has to be filled by the one and only. I knew this would happen he had too much power. He is smart and he shared all of his intelect with us. He kept us so informed. Michael Baisden and all of black radio helped Barack Obama get into office. When he told us to take video of wrongs at the voting polls I knew some how and way "they" would see to it that he go away. We miss him in in so many ways. I have continued to read his facebook page hoping he will give a big announcement. I only see hints. Nothing solid. I pray that he will return soon. We need him!

  39. Radio has always been a way the "Colored" community was kept up to date with what was happening to us, around us, and for us. The radio stations have lost touch with its audiences and have decided what we needed! We deserve better! Nothing against "SKIP" but we know what we want from our radio Hosts. It would have been great if someone asked us instead of deciding what they were going to "GIVE" us as entertainment. If I just wanted music...I would listen to CD'S! Bring Back MB and the crew. I will listen to CD'S until you do!!

  40. I miss Mr. B. Radio in Alabama not the same. I don't like watching the news but when i listen to MB it make me more interesting in the news and how it affects me and my family.

  41. Play MUSIC. Dont need advice or opinion from someone I dont know.
    Wilbon is not funny AT ALL


      Right on.

  42. You are so right in your assessment of Michael's value to the community at large. In his words," Family". His show was enjoyed by many across racial lines, because no matter the color, there are concerns and issues that affect humanity regardless of race or color.Michael was an advocate for the enhancement of life, waking us up to thought provoking, intellectual stimulation while encouraging involvement in matters that are a part of our lives; challenging us to work for and to become vital instruments of effective change through mentoring programs. He not only talked about such but truly led by example. Michael is a leader and people need positive and caring leadership.

  43. Good riddance Basden, exploiter of lonely, angry black women. A man who is not sharing his life with a special woman; perhaps he doesn't trust black women either. His 'We'll all be lonely together so just TUNE IN TO ME 12:00 ladies, is just an act. Sista's, you better think again if you think he's heeding ANY of the advice he's giving you. He's having a good time alright, just not with US. You have poverty pimp politicians and then you have romance pimps for black women. Ladies, wake-up!!!!! Don't take relationship advice from a brotha that aint with a sista. Millions more of our dollars, converted once again, from our pockets to 'susans'.

  44. This is a horrible decision to remove this radio show. My radio will not be locked in to 94.5 anymore. The timing of this is very questionable, as the Trayvon Martin case will be starting next month and he was a huge advocate for this cause. I also noticed the same practice of removing popular African American radio host during the Presidential Election time frame. This smells of tactical suppression to me.

  45. Marilyn Foster CampbellMay 4, 2013 at 10:28 AM

    Michael is a very cool individual and will be missed by many. However, there comes a time to pass the baton to another, and while the other individual is holding the baton Michael recognizing the importance of the work will need to lead the pack with providing support for this individual. Michael know or should know that the work must go on, and the work is to expansive for one individual. Michael is not the only one tasked with or capable of getting the work done. God has a "Bigger Plan" and oftentimes we get comfortable in our present positions, and when changes come we hold onto and/or speak negatively about the change, when all along God is transitioning us into a bigger and greater space to complete the work.

    Listeners be encourage and speak God's perfect will in Michael's life.

    Michael be encourage and know that God did not bring you this far to leave you without direction; platforms are everywhere but laboreres are few. The plan is bigger than that. Keep your hands and tongue free of maliciousness and know that God has your back. I look forward to supporting and listening to the new hosts that God is raising up in varous cities. Simultaneously, I look forward to witnessing the greater work that God has raised Michael up for at such a time like this. Peace & Love to all!

  46. You wanting to hold a contest to find a replacement for one of the best talk show host to come along is the biggest admission of your screw up.
    Not only did he connect locally to your target area, but what he did was to attract people who came from a different part of the country, or world to find your station while in your market area so they could hear his show. That meant that they were tuning into your station, and raising the listening audience that probably allowed you to beat out yours competitors.
    Also,his ability to reach a multi-racial clientel allowed you to be able to attract more sponsors who wanted to advertise on your airwaves.
    You don't fill a fully blown tire with fix-a-flat!
    Sometimes even the Gods in the Greek Mythology had to come down from Mount Olympus to meet with those who worshiped them.
    Have you all even consider standing up first?

  47. The thing is they didn't believe that the black audience was interested in a platform that brought intelectual intelligent conversations as well as good music. It was probably a threat to them to have us discuss newsworthy topics. It was a threat to have michael organize against injustices. They just want to continue to dumb black folk down. It's truly sad that this still happens in 2013.

  48. Michael Baisden was never on any radio stations where I live. I guess my city is too little. Anyway, I was able to get a TV station that aired "Baisden After Dark". LOVED IT!! That's not coming on anymore - at least not on any stations that I'm able to get. WITW is going on!!!??? Is he returning to radio/TV???

  49. I read MB 1st book in a weekend and have been a fan ever since.

    MB brought vitality to the afternoon work day. My 79 year father got into his community news as we rode home from dr appts.

    MB set a new bar and everybody else will have to step up their game.


  50. I really miss Michael in the afternoons. I feel no longer informed on the issues we're enduring as a culture. Yes, Skip is good, but only as a "stand-in" for vacationing DJ's, namely, Tom Joyner. He plays it "too safe". Michael Baisden, we need you back!!!!!. Like Wendy Williams, you say it like you mean it!

  51. I listen to the radio online and go back and forth between V101.9 and 96.3 WHUR. Their afternoon shows suck, the hosts are corny. I immediately go to Pandora. There is nothing like Michael Baisden in the afternoon.

  52. I must say that I really enjoy radio music/ talk radio, there are some good conversations involved that inspire myself, a well as good information to better ones self. I listen to Steve Harvey in the am , but since the departure of Micheal Baisden, I listen to cd's and espn talk radio, I really miss Micheal Baisden, stop the madness bring the brother back ...

  53. It drives me crazy that I don't have the MB show to listen to when I get off work (I have been tuning into the MB show afterwork for years now..) The Sponsors, Program Directors, the VPs or whoever need to do whatever they need to do to get Mr. Baisden back on his syndicated show. I'm sure that it can be worked out because we all know that MB is a level headed reasonable person. You guys are cutting off your nose to spite your face. Like Alonzo said "Stop the Madness".


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