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June 8, 2009

Internet Radio, Satellite Radio, and Just Plain Old Radio

What's your take? I'm finding the term being used very loosely.

I'm streaming a music widget off to the side of this webpage... but I would hardly call that radio; however some say that's a radio station...

Who needs a microphone? It's the more music and less talk approach to programming, well actually it's all music and no talk ALL COMMERCIAL FREE! 10,000 joints in a row. That's even it's better, right?

OK plain old radio is AM and FM radio. Basically it used to be a license to print money issued by the FCC. It's the federally regulated public airwaves that is free to listen to with a variety of programming. However radio owners like Clear Channel would like for you to hear the same programming regardless where you are in the country through syndicated broadcasting. They also have these hidden channels called HD radio, but nobody can find them. Anyway some people say radio is DEAD!

Now satellite radio used to be XM and Sirius until last year when Sirius bought XM, so now there's only one satellite radio company. You get all kinds of stuff from music to talk radio with a variety of personalities like Howard Stern, Oprah Winfrey and Eminem. It cost you about $12 a month. Many people said this was going to destroy AM and FM radio.

Now how about the other stuff?

Well there's this twitter like website called Blip.fm. Which actually makes you a dj and you can broadcast over the internet. Wow I just didn't realize it was that easy to broadcast! You might even want to catch D-Nice blipping away on his OWN radio show each night on
Blip FM via twitter.

How does it work? I think you have your followers click on a link and they can actually hear a song. Then if you create a link for another song and update your twitter status, (a tweet) then your followers can click on the link and they hear another song. That's amazing. Isn't technnology great? You could actually do this over and over again for as long as you want to.

Is this what we call Internet radio?

How will plain old radio survive?

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