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October 24, 2009

Chris Rock Takes on AOL Black Voices

From AOL's Black Voices - The internet is amazing, it truly is. It's the great equalizer. Gone are the days where a song or a book or a movie could come out, and the celebrity creator doesn't know what the general population is thinking. Thanks to the internet, you can speak truth to power.

Case in point, Chris Rock. Apparently he's been alerted to the chatter about his film Good Hair on the BV Message Boards... because he addressed the controversy in an interview with Charlamagne on 100.3 The Beat in Philly
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The Board Post Message Board post Who wants Good Hair to fail? has received more than 900 comments.

Undoubtedly the first post in this discussion board triggered the wide range of comments:

"I know I'm not the only one. There has been enough dissent on this board alone to warrant a boycott. I want this mockumentary to go brick! The only way that Black women are going to get through to Chris Rock and the coons of his ilk is to not give him our money or support! I don't know what the hell he was thinking. How do you make a movie where you are offending your target audience? Is he hoping that non-Black women are actually going to come out in droves for this? Knowing his simple ass, he probably has his fingers crossed as we speak, promoting this bullsh*t." -SMDH.

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