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March 29, 2010

What's Going On? Tony Cox blogs on the status of "Upfront"

"UpFront with Tony Cox" is a production of the African-American Public Radio Consortium. The show broadcasts on a few but not nearly enough stations around the country. The show has a loyal following on primarily HBCU stations. For a list of stations see below. Upfront features the latest in politics to entertainment news.

Tony Cox writes on the website blog:

Some of you have written wanting to know what’s up with all the repeat shows that we’ve been running. Fair enough.

We are what you might call between a rock and a hard place. Listener response to our program has been fantastic, and the stations that are part of the African American Public Radio Consortium are trying their best to find the level of financial support we need to continue bringing UpFront to you with new shows each day.

While that search for new funding continues, however, we have had no choice but to run some of our best interviews over the past few weeks. I guarantee you that won’t continue much longer.

You deserve fresh shows and we hope to have them for you soon. But it honestly depends on what happens on the business side of things, an answer I expect to have any day now.

How can you help? Let your stations know what you think of the program and that you want it to stay on the air.

Our staff is rarin’ to go and we have several exciting interviews lined up for you once we get the green light to renew daily production. But, for now, our hands are tied.

I hope that explains what you’re hearing on the air and why.

Upfront with Tony Cox can be heard on these stations:

10:00 AM
KCEP FM – Las Vegas NV – Economic Opportunity Board of Clark County

1:00 PM
WJAB FM – Huntsville, AL – Alabama A&M University
WSHA FM – Raleigh, NC – Shaw University

3:00 PM
KPVU FM – Prairie View, TX – Prairie View A & M University
WFSS FM – Fayetteville, NC – Fayetteville State University

4:30 PM
WSNC FM – Winston Salem, NC – Winston Salem State University

5:00 PM
WCSU FM – Wilberforce, OH – Central State University
WURC FM – Holly Springs, MS – Rust College

6:00 PM
WCLK FM – Atlanta, GA – Clark Atlanta University
WVAS FM – Montgomery, AL – Alabama State University (Friday only)

7:00 PM
KTSU FM – Houston, TX – Texas Southern University
WVAS FM – Montgomery, AL – Alabama State University (Monday through Thursday)

8:00 PM
KBBG FM – Waterloo, IA – AfroAmerican Community Broadcasting Inc.

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