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March 21, 2011

Public Broadcasting Cuts Would Hurt Rural Areas

In an interesting twist of fate, the bill that passed the House last week to defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, NPR stations and other local public radio stations; would most likely hurt many stations that have programs supporting the views of Republican lawmakers. In order for this to happen the bill has to come before the Democratic controlled U.S. Senate, where it most likely won't pass.

However this SF Gate.com website article paints a far different picture of the efforts to defund NPR by Republican lawmakers and championed by conservative media:

"House Republicans are in for a surprise if they intend to dish some payback to liberal parts of the nation by eliminating federal funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which conservative politicians have long claimed is a liberal mouthpiece.

Small television and radio stations serving rural, politically red areas in California and other states would likely feel the biggest impact of such a move because 70 percent of public broadcasting funds are channeled to local stations."...

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Also check out this news report from KOAT-TV on NPR Funding Cut

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