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April 14, 2011

One billion MP3's were sold in the U.S. last year, even though CD's Sound Better

It's your Hard Drive that Matters Now

"Let me tell you an ugly truth: Most people don't care about quality. It's a bitter to pill to swallow, but that is the simple fact." -Mark Mulligan of Forrester Research

The NPR radio show "The Record" recently broadcast a series of shows on the music industry and various recording formats including vinyl records, CDs, cassettes, 8 Tracks, and MP3's. Listen here to the program "For Better Or Worse, MP3s Are The Format Of Choice."

The program takes a look at how the MP3 was invented and the man credited with inventing it wasn't trying to turn the music industry on its head. Karlheinz Brandenburg was just looking for a way to compress music into smaller files. Interesting enough, the song Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega was the biggest stumbling block in the invention of the MP3.

Little did he know his invention would change the music industry forever. But now they are trying figure out how to charge for this.

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