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November 14, 2011

Bounce TV's Programming Falls Short with Reruns and Old Movies

Bounce TV: More of the Same ...with TV One and BET doing the same thing - and more - Who will watch the new black channel? -from Charles Cobb TheRoot.com

On Sept. 26, a new black network, Bounce TV, launched showing an old Diana Ross, Michael Jackson and Nipsey Russell movie, The Wiz. Bounce did not attract much attention because Bounce is available only via over-the-air digital television. While television viewers overwhelmingly receive their TV signals via cable or satellite, the FCC has mandated that new televisions be equipped with digital over-the-air tuners, through which users can watch traditional networks as well as some new channels. And it's all free.

That's how I encountered Bounce. Our household long ago abandoned cable for an ever-widening array of free or moderately priced programming sources using TV or computers that include not only over-the-air digital but also Hulu, Netflix or AT&T U-verse. As I was watching television on a digital channel one afternoon, an ad for Bounce popped up: There were Andrew Young, Martin Luther King III and others on the screen declaring "TV our way" and announcing that Bounce would soon be on the air.

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