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November 16, 2011

Facebook Users Facing Massive Spam Attack

Here's a question for founder Mark Zuckerberg: Can you repair facebook's image before it becomes like myspace with millions of abandoned users and deleted accounts?

Facebook users reel from porn spam attack

Explicit images may push users away and enterprises to ban the social network, say analysts

By Sharon Gaudin of Computerworld - After being bombarded with hard-core pornographic and violent images on their news feeds, some Facebook users may change how and if they use the social network, according to industry analysts.

For the past few days, Facebook has battled an attack that flooded the site with explicit and distressing images. A Facebook spokeswoman told Computerworld that its security team has identified "many of the actors responsible" and is working on an "appropriate action."

And while the social network's lawyers are looking for ways to handle the spammers, many users are reeling from the images they saw in their news feeds. Some of them took to Twitter to vent their frustrations and connect with others.

"It creates a cloud of distrust surrounding the service and may cause people to reduce their use of it or stop using it altogether," Enderle said. "For those that are likely questioning whether it is a good use of their time as it is... this could eventually erode Facebook's user base significantly."

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