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March 19, 2012

Company President Barry Mayo Leaves Radio One

The Mayo resignation goes down after some down numbers in the 4th quarter at Radio One 

CEO Alfred Liggins has announced that Barry Mayo, president of the radio division of Radio One, Inc. has resigned to pursue other opportunities. Liggins says Mayo "has served the company with passion and distinction. I understand that there comes a time for change in a person's career, and I fully respect Barry's decision to undertake new challenges. I truly wish him well."

On his departure from Radio One Mayo stated: “Partnering with Alfred and helping to execute his vision has been a rewarding experience, and I am proud of what we have accomplished. I am grateful for the support shown me during my tenure.  While I will miss the relationships forged, I am truly looking forward to the next phase of my career.” Before joining Radio One in 2007, Barry Mayo had been the Emmis market manager for New York City stations Hot 97 and 98.7 Kiss FM from 2002 to 2006.

Mayo's resignation is pretty significant...

The next president of the radio division for Radio One will have to overcome some disappointing numbers from the company's under performing stations in several major markets.

Last month we reported on the unceremoniously firing of proven big market radio programmer Jamillah Muhammad at Majic 102.3 in Washington, D.C. We received anonymous comments from Radio One programmers stating:  "Ratings issues can no longer be blamed on PDs. If corporate controls what you can and cannot play WTF! It's a joke. Urban radio is a joke."

The spin out of D.C. had been that Muhummad was not doing an effective job of programming. But it's apparent that Program Directors across the board at Radio One stations are not allowed to really do their job at all.  Read full comments

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