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October 13, 2008

Arbitron is Getting Their A** Sued by the Government

New York attorney general Andrew M. Cuomo has announced that his office has filed a lawsuit in New York County Supreme Court against Arbitron.

New Jersey attorney general Anne Milgram, is suing the ratings company, charging that its use of the "new, unaccredited system for measuring listenership harms minority consumers and violates New Jersey’s consumer fraud, advertising and anti- discrimination laws."

The Coalition of NYC Hispanic and Black Broadcasters, along with Congresswoman Nydia M. Velázquez (D-NY), held a press conference on October 10 on the steps of the New York City Hall in opposition of the PPM roll out. According to the Congresswoman, Arbitron's PPM ratings "drastically cut numbers for minority radio stations and demonstrated that the company is out of touch with minority listeners," and "the new system threatens to force Spanish-language and urban programming off the air, eliminating a critical voice for New York City."

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