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June 1, 2009

Old Skool Hip Hop Works for Marketing Beer

I love this commercial for Heineken Beer featuring Biz Markie. Wouldn't it be nice to hear a song like this on the radio every once in awhile? But you know research and focus groups tell radio execs that folks, especially women 25-54, don't like rap. Someone should tell the folks at Heineken.

Here's the full version of the iconic "He's Just A Friend". Yes Biz is an icon.

Have you ever met a girl that you tried to date. But a year to make love she wanted you to wait. Let me tell ya a story of my situation. I was talkin' to this girl from the U.S. nation.

1 comment:

  1. it's really not about market research groups etc, it's about and will always be about what's good, that's why that commercial got on the air, so called urban aka black radio, be it black owned or black formatted aka non black owned, radio will play biz markies song 1 reason so called old school/throwback shows are relegated to 12noon weekdays, second hiphop even from it's early days on wax has always and even today been sold as a young persons music even though back then and today many people preforming or behind the seens in it are 30 somthings. Innovation is needed. That's why cathy hughes is out there tripping now on saving black radio when she really helped add to it's demise, by trying to emulate the corporate business model that's been known for some time now to be broken.


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