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July 25, 2009

Lou Dobbs Puts Roland Martin in his Place?, Naahhh! Roland Martin Calls This Silly

My man Roll-LANNNNNNND Martin just got caught up the other day. That's all.

Roland maybe you just need to take a break, perhaps too much face time lately with all that Black in America 2 and stuff. After all you're the hardest working man in media. Buy another suit with matching tie and scarf. (yes, I'm jealous, keep it rockin'.) Relax. Chill. You're right, Obama's birth certificate is a NON-ISSUE! Let's give Roland some love. Here's a fist bump.

Perhaps Roland thought he was on the Bill O'Reilly show or on Hardball with Chris Matthews. Roland, you have to admit, you did get a little too excited. The verbal back and forth started to degenerate into a bad episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

Roland as Carlton Banks "It's silly, it's silly, I think it's HILARIOUS!", DAD! Lou Dobbs as Judge Phillip Banks, "the congressman might take your remarks a different way." "Again I remind you."

Or maybe this was a case of race, class and egos with Roland Martin playing the part of the uppity Negro not knowing his place. Roland as Harvard professor Skip Gates.

Next time Roland just ask Lou Dobbs and the congressman to produce an original birth certificate. Well, maybe you shouldn't. Is that like asking for a police officer's badge number when you're inside your own home? Watch out, don't step out the studio, they might put the cuffs on you!

BTW, I'm sure there's many of us that can't produce an original paper birth certificate. All I have is the same kind of document that President Obama has. No attending physician's name, no name of the hospital, just the fact I was born in Pennsylvania. Take that you "birthers." Silly. I guess there goes my chance to run for President.

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