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October 28, 2009

When Chuck D Speaks People Listen...

Chuck D Says Jay-Z is the Rookie of the Year??? OK WE Get What He's Sayin'

From Deshair Foskey and Houston Williams of All Hip Hop.com
Chuck D, the front man of Public Enemy, offered his opinion of Jay-Z and Gucci Mane during an interview on AllHipHop Radio's morning show Eric B and Friends.

The rapper expressed his admiration for Jay-Z from a career point of view, and stressed that he was impressed with The Blueprint 3 album.

"On Jay-Z - quote me on this - Jay-Z is the Rookie of the Year in 2009. You want to know why? Because at age 40, he is just getting started," Chuck said this morning. "He is simply forwarding the artform. Just imagine if he decided to pick up two more languages to add to his craft. He is #1." (Editor's note: Jay-Z turns 40 in December.)

Chuck also said that rappers such as Gucci Mane and Baby of Cash Money, who both sharply contested Jay-Z's top slot on MTV's "Hottest Rapper" list had no artistic right to be so vocal.

Chuck D stated these were unfounded criticisms based on Jay-Z's body of work.

Chuck said, "Jay-Z's just getting started. Gucci Mane, he'd be better off jumping in a swimming pool with a plugged in toaster."

Jay-Z stressed that his former Def Jam alumni could likely expand his brand if he further embraced the global community.

"The only thing what will make Jay-Z totally untouchable, would be if he learned another language."
Eric B & Friends broadcasts live from 9 am to 1 pm.

All HipHop Radio is one of a few stations offered by Goom Radio. Goom's presentation is top notch with great imaging and live jocks. Their rotation of music pretty much rivals most corporate playlist through out most genres.

However the customized All HipHop.com's radio station offers more variety than you usually find on most Hip Hop/R&B stations, including satellite radio (if you can get past the explicit content). You think corporate radio is listening, paying attention and taking notes?

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