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March 30, 2010

CNN Black in America, Not this time it's NEGRO in America on the 2010 Census Form

Many urban media outlets, which we will categorize as Black and Hispanic owned TV and radio stations have been promoting the need to fill out the 2010 census form. Every morning across America via syndicated radio from the likes of Steve Harvey and Tom Joyner, listeners have been getting a heavy dose of "we need to be counted."

With only a day left to send it in, CNN recently discussed the race question on the form. CNN anchor Don Lemon and a panel with Baratunde Thurston of Jack and Jill politics, journalist and filmmaker Raquel Cepeda and Christian Lander of the blog Stuff White People Like explored the word "Negro" on the form along with the ambiguous term "Hispanic". Also did you know many White people believe that they have Indian blood in them just like many Black people do? Who knew?

The second video is a followup to the CNN discussion with Thurston. On the CNN segment he says, "[There is a ] ...fascinating video piece by Raquel in which she interviews people on the streets of New York to get their reaction to the Census form. My favorite part is the black woman who saw the word Negro. Priceless."

Have you filled out your census form yet?

Have the ads you've been seeing and hearing make a difference in your motivation to fill out the form?

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