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November 7, 2011

Oprah's Early Heartbreak was Tim Watts of Magic 95.9

Oprah's early heartbreak revealed: Lover she hoped to marry 'already had a wife and children and she thought about suicide after revelation'

Oprah Winfrey tried to kill herself in 1981 when she discovered the man she was in love with was married with children, according to reports.

The chat show queen was so distraught that she could not be with (at the time Baltimore's WXYV V-103) radio DJ Tim Watts that she drove her car into a tree in an apparent suicide bid. She even wrote a 'suicide note' to best friend Gayle King, who put her on a 24/7 watch after she survived the smash.

In his first comments on their relationship, Watts told the National Enquirer that he and Oprah were 'both young and at an age when people do stupid things they might regret later'.

But he insisted that they were now good friends and that they had both put their past behind them.

The Enquirer reported that Watts, now 59, met Oprah, now 57, in 1981 when she was a production assistant at WJZ-TV in Baltimore.

He was the man she would have 'married in a heartbeat' - until the night she followed him home and discovered he was already married with children. A source told the Enquirer: 'She was so upset she smashed her car into a tree.'

Read more at the dailymail.co.uk

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