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November 19, 2012

The NEW Myspace According to Justin Timberlake

Timberlake Explains the New Myspace and What It Means For the Music Industry

"I can't speak for every artist, but I can tell you that if I have X amount of followers on Twitter, I'd rather that number be smaller and know that they're all engaging versus throwing comments all over the place that have nothing to do with anything," he said. "Lucky for me, from what I've seen, it's that type of interaction [with the 'Top Fans' feature]."

In a music environment that now means artists and bands must count on touring rather than records sales for their very survival, Justin Timberlake sat down with MTV to talk about the reinvented social network site that is 'blurring the gap' between artists and fans.

FROM MTV NEWS: When it was announced that Justin Timberlake bought a stake in Myspace more than a year ago, we didn't quite know what to think about it. Sure, we've been used to Timberlake flexing various creative muscles via film, TV, fashion, restaurants and even home décor, but his taking part in the revamping of a seemingly flat-lined social-networking site was a real head-scratcher. Read more...

Myspace now features a redesigned website with streaming live performances from various artists. Tonight's performance is from Ciara.

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