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April 16, 2014

The 'Love & Hip Hop Atlanta' (S)ex Tape, It Worked!

From HuffPostLive -- "Mimi Faust of 'Love and Hip Hop' is the latest reality star to release a tape. Are these (s)ex tapes the new guarantee to becoming a household name, and do we hold the women who make them to different standards, depending on their race?"

-A good question asked by HuffPostLive ...Before Monday, we as many others had no idea who Mimi Faust was or could care less about the show. But apparently we were in the minority in this world of rachetness. If you're tuned into social media (facebook, twitter, instagram) you couldn't avoid it. As we see it, it was not a (s)ex tape. It was a promotional video you had to work for to see. Brilliant marketing wouldn't you say! And for those of you with no talent, you now have a business model for yourself, and that is the sad part. Just wondering...do any of these people on this show make music, have a song on the radio, do anything that is productive other than get paid to act.

Scroll down for the [full segment]

For those of you that think it's just a TV show, we do know this...Some teenage girl somewhere is talking with her friends on social media about this, if not right now, sometime over the last few or the next few days. She has already seen the tape and her mindset has been transformed. She now thinks that the way to success in life in the future is to get with her boyfriend, make a tape and put it out there for the world to see while so called responsible people, who head prominent media platforms that African Americans interact with, engage in discussions of the merits of a (s)ex tape as entertainment or worst yet as work. Why? Simply because people seem to love it.

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